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When I’m not shooting people (sounds weird, but I promise you'll be ok), I'm enjoying quality time with my family, where there's usually a body of water, a mountain to hike, or great food!

Because your marriage is meant to be celebrated,
on day one and every day after.

I’m a photographer, marriage supporter and wedding professional which all adds up to one excellent combination of qualities that enables me to serve you well. I carry with me 15 years of wedding photography experience and usually a pair of scissors and double sided wardrobe tape.  Past couples have described me as trustworthy, strategic, creative, responsive, and a “wedding therapist”. I understand you only get one chance with your wedding.  I work diligently for you to have an incredible wedding photography experience.




However, you do need to connect with who you are choosing and trusting so I'll give in to the "about me" thing. 


Come behind the scenes with me to see what really goes on during a wedding experience!

Inside look

from me to you

Hear my heart for your wedding day and photography by watching below

My inspiration

These Roots run deep

Foundational Legacy

I grew up pouring over my grandparents' and parents' wedding albums.  My Daddy Vince and Nana were regal in their white 1950's wedding garb.  My parents, a young, excited couple about to embark on their life together.  I soaked in every visual I could from these 8x10 prints.  Over the years these visuals built a sense of security in me and a connection to my history.  They built a desire for a similar legacy in my own life.



Saying Goodbye

In the Fall of 2007, Dad, Coach David Farnham, became very sick.  Within weeks we were given a stage 4 cancer diagnoses.  We were told to say goodbye.  He was in the peak of a state championship football season.  I was a freshman in college messing around with a digital camera.  Those blurry pictures of his last weeks on earth are all we have left of him.  The day of Dad's funeral, I received my first DSLR camera.  I still did not know what I was doing with a camera, but I had even more of a purpose to learn photography.


Print Matters

They were sitting at the front of the boat, Nana wrapped in Daddy Vince’s arms. Nana’s new hair had grown in a radiant white since her chemo treatment. Daddy Vince’s Spanish skin making the perfect background for her fair complexion. They glowed like two newlyweds. Nana passed in 2013. All I needed was to find this picture. Could I reach for a print?  No, I needed to remember the year and what device I stored my files on back then…I remember this moment like it was yesterday and ache for it like it was decades old.


The Williams Crew

God has given me great blessings and great purpose.  My guys are daily inspiration.  They inspire me to preserve our own moments as a family and print those moments so our stories are always within reach.  They inspire me to love deeper, serve intentionally, play harder and pray harder!  Not everyone has a photographer in their family, so during my couples' wedding experience I play the role each family needs to create their legacy with imagery and heirloom prints and albums.


Your Story Matters

Remember?  It's about YOU!  Whether we have known each other for years or your venue recommended me, your story already matters to me.  Your connection, your personalities, your confidence.  It matters. Your wedding is the most important event you'll ever plan and most significant day of your life so far!  I see how my knowledge, talent, and years of experience can be a great benefit to your photography experience.  Your enjoyment of your images stretches far beyond your wedding date.

national parks

11 parks so far! Mountains are the best!



Learning WHY we do what we do is my favorite pastime. Enneagram? INTJ? DISC? Strength Finders? More please!



My gardens burst with lush blues and pinks all summer!



It’s the best attitude.


lake days

We pile on the pontoon for lunch and ski across Lake Keowee.


Our table

at Nogui's beachfront restaurant in Costa Rica