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Medical Clinic | South Africa Mission Trip

May 4-14 Jeff and I, along with 43 others team members, ministered in the town of Badplaas in South Africa.  Our main ministry was holding a medical clinic from 8-5, Monday through Friday, in a local church.  I know, I know, I’m not medical at all, but I was able to run the optometry section, where we fit patients for glasses, and be involved in the children’s ministry.  They still called me doctor 🙂 People were healed and helped each day and my faith in God’s power grew with each patient.  After taking thousands of pictures, you know I can’t fit the whole experience into one post.  The following posts will consist or children, sights, and our safari! 
My handsome husband hard at work
No joke, this man’s tooth was so impacted we used a hammer from our construction team
Sweet Gogo(grandmother) that I got to fit for glasses.
We got to play with children too, see the next post for more!
Greenville, SC Wedding Photographer

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