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Newborn Photographer Greenville, SC | Solomon Jackson Bass

Friday, August 21, 2015 at 2:15 am Solomon Jackson Bass finally made his appearance!  He weighed in at 9lbs and 2oz, 21 inches long.   I can’t tell you how anxious I was to meet this little guy.  His mommy Rachel booked his newborn session knowing I’m pregnant and due soon.  Well when it came down to it, Solomon was late and I thought I was going early!  Needless to say, I’m still in action, Baby Williams is still cooking, and we were able to do Solomon’s session.
Chris and Rachel have such a calm and loving atmosphere in their home.  Solomon was quite comfy however he was posed.  Thanks to both parents for the extra hands in making these shots wonderful!
View more image in their slideshow below!
Greenville, SC Wedding Photographer

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